Sounds like your phone is stuck in recovery mode. Last time when I have tried to jailbrake it, I got a blank Cydia icon. October 19, at 9: December 4, at I tried resetting network settings, uninstalling and reinstalling the GPS apps Navigon and Magellan , and nothing has worked. June 17, at 2: September 29, at 4: redsn0w win 0 9.6 b2 zip

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I upgraded to 4. Please help iv seemed to tru everything and just cant get service.

Has anyone ran into the same issue and found a solution? February 14, at Subscribe to the OSXDaily newsletter to get more of our great Apple tips, tricks, and important news delivered to your inbox!

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February 3, at 3: January 16, at 4: After that reboot it was normal brown with the box thing. March 16, at September 17, at 3: Jailbreak and unlock iOS 4.

November 29, at 1: December 16, at 3: February 15, at 9: Stuck on Update Requested, Verifying, etc.

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Several days after posting about jail breaking a 3G on an xp machine, I was approached by somebody else needing to jailbreak a 3G who was unable to do it with Win7. July 20, at Tried running in XP mode, run as admin, another PC, taking the cable out. If you are stuck on waiting for reboot your iPhone is not yet onto the iPad firmware. The internet is SLOW!!

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December 1, at 7: Hi I have Iphone 3g base band 6. I Accept Privacy Policy. December 19, at 1: February 3, at 2: April 26, at January 18, at 8: January 4, at Right click on the Redsnow and run in XP Compatible mode and as an administrator.

Can you please help me to fix this?? December 2, at 6: This is a two stage process, first you jailbreak your iPhone with redsn0w and update the baseband, zil then you unlock the iPhone 3GS or iPhone 3G with ultrasn0w 1.

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Can you help me to reinstall 4. December 30, at 3: July 13, at
